About Mahabharat – The Legendary War

The Legendary War card game is based on ancient epic battles fought in the period ranging from hundreds to thousands of years back in time. This edition is about “Mahabharat” an epic war which happened on Indian Subcontinent. It lasted only 18 days but resulted in over one and a half billion casualties. It was a battle of Right vs Wrong, Good vs Evil in which brothers became enemies, relatives slain each other, resulting in conflicts of kinship and friendship.

It’s a story of dynastic struggle for the throne of Kingdom named Hastinapura, ruled by KURU clan. The two HOUSES of the family named PANDAVS and KAURAVS, their fight for supremacy and struggle for sovereignty. On one side were Pandav brothers headed by Noble Prince Yudishtar, fighting to regain what right fully theirs and on other side were Kaurav brothers headed by Dark Prince Duryodhan. Their epic struggle for supremacy culminated in the greatest battle seen on this planet on the lands of Kurukshetra. Would you side with noble values and righteous path of Pandavs guided by the Divine Krishna or would you join the Darkness led by Kauravs...